Charity Help WordPress Theme Documentation

Thank you for purchasing Charity Help WordPress Theme. This documentation consists of several parts and shows you the entire process of setting up and customizing a WordPress theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please refer to the Support section. Thanks so much!

WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It enables you to build Websites and powerful on-line applications and requires almost no technical skills or knowledge to manage. Many aspects, including its ease of use and extensibility, have made WordPress the most popular Web site software available.

Creating a website with WordPress is significantly much easier than coding it by yourself. if you are a beginner, even working with WordPress may be difficult to you. That's why, in this section we will provide some useful links and also will explain how to get oriented in the documentation and what pattern to follow when building your website with our theme. Please note that this documentation covers all the main settings for the theme, but it doesn't cover instructions about working with WordPress, as this is a very extensive topic. If you are new to WordPress, we would recommend to first get familiar with the WordPress system, so you can have at least basic knowledge about how it works and then proceed with setting the theme.

Table of Contents

  1. Theme Installation
  2. Import Demo Content
  3. Homepage Setup
  4. Header
    1. Contact Info
    2. Site name / logo
    3. Setting the menu
  5. Homepage Slider
  6. Inner Page Banner
  7. Homepage Section
    1. Services
    2. Causes Need Attentions
    3. How can you help us
    4. Lets Work Togather
    5. Latest News
    6. Charity Donors
    7. What People Say
    8. Our Mission
    9. Petitions & Solutons
    10. Become a Volunteer
    11. Subscribe for Newsletter
    12. Our Projects
  8. Footer
  9. Footer Menu
  10. Photo Gallery
  11. Contact Form
  12. Page Templates & Sidebars
  13. Widgets
  14. Shortcodes
  15. Multilingual
  16. Support

Free Version

  1. Homepage Setup
  2. header
  3. Slider Section
  4. Services Section

1. Theme Installation

a. Through WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to the menu Appearance > Themes and click on Add New button.
  2. Click on Upload Theme button.
  3. Click on Browse button and navigate to the unzipped theme package on your computer.
  4. Look for a file called Click on it to select, then click OK.
  5. Click on Install Now button and wait until the installation is complete.
  6. Click on Activate link to activate the theme on your WordPress site.
  7. Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Restore Default.
Note: Some servers have limited folder access settings applied and wouldn't allow uploading the theme trough the admin - in these case you have to upload the theme via FTP.

b. Manual Installation using FTP client

If you know the FTP login details of the server where your site is hosted and you have a FTP client installed (such as FileZilla), you might consider using this way of uploading your theme.

  1. Unzip the file
  2. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/themes
  3. Upload theme to /wp-content/themes/
  4. Go to Appearance -> Themes and activate theme from Dashboard.
First you have to unzip the download file, find the zip file called, unzip it and upload the folder to the main WordPress installation folder » wp-content » themes. Please note that if you prefer this way of installation, you have to make sure that the main files of the theme are contained just within one folder of the themes folder.

You can activate the theme after it is uploaded on the server. In order to activate this theme you have to go to the admin panel » Appearance » Themes. In this section you should see the theme with a title Charity Help. Just click on the Activate button and your theme should get activated.

2. Import Demo Content

After activating the theme, please import demo content using following

3. Homepage Setup

After activating the Charity Help theme, please setup homepage using following

4. The header

The header consists of three main elements:

a. Contact Info and social media

The settings for to enable/disable and customize the contact info, social icons in header is located in
Appearance » Theme Options » Basic Setting

b. Changing the site name / logo

If you don't have your logo image then you can use site name and tagline. To change site name and tagline go to
Settings » General » Site Title

OR if you want to uplaod logo for your website go to Appearance » Theme Options » Basic Settings
You can also increase logo image height as per your requirement.

c. Setting the menu

  1. First of all create pages from Pages >> Add new page
  2. Go to Appearance >> Menu
  3. Click on Create a new menu link
  4. Give a name to your menu in Menu name and click save menu button
  5. Once you have create menu. You need to add pages by selecting with checkboxes. After adding menu list you can arrange it by drag and drop.
  6. Select menu theme locations Primary Menu from Menu Settings
  7. Click Save Menu after adding required pages, categories in the menu

5. Homepage Slider

In order to add slides to homepage slider: Go to Appearance » Theme Options » Homepage Slider
For each slide there are different options that you can apply.

If you don't want to use this default image slider, you can use any image slider WordPress plugin

6. Inner Page Banner

To change inner page banner image: Go to Appearance » Theme Options » Homepage Slider » Inner Page Banner

To set different banner image for each individual page

7. Homepage Section

The homepage contatins lots of section to create beautiful and professional website.

a. Services

To manage this services section

b. Causes Need Attentions

To manage this section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 1

[column_content type="attbox"]
<img src="" alt=""/>
<div class="att-caption">
<h4>Donate for Child Education</h4>
<p>Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tort adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta. Ut molestie tortor pulvinar.</p>
[skill title="Donate" percent="31" bgcolor="#f2b23d"]<h6>$2200 go to</h6>

[column_content type="attbox"]
<img src="" alt=""/>
<div class="att-caption">
<h4>Donate for Drinking Water</h4>
<p>Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tort adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta. Ut molestie tortor pulvinar.</p>
[skill title="Donate" percent="35" bgcolor="#f2b23d"]<h6>$2200 go to</h6>

[column_content type="attbox last"]
<img src="" alt=""/>
<div class="att-caption">
<h4>Donate for Homeless Children</h4>
<p>Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tort adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta. Ut molestie tortor pulvinar.</p>
[skill title="Donate" percent="40" bgcolor="#f2b23d"]<h6>$2200 go to</h6>

c. How can you help us

To manage this section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 2

[column_content type="one_half"]
<div class="best-featurs"><i class="fas fa-dollar-sign"></i>
<h4>DONATE MONEY</h4>Proin nec gravida purus. Curabitur effici elementum dolor dapibus, nec maximus augue iaculis. In tincunt eget diam ac vulputate... 
<div class="best-featurs"><i class="far fa-heart"></i>
<h4>BECOME VOLUNTEER</h4>Proin nec gravida purus. Curabitur effici elementum dolor dapibus, nec maximus augue iaculis. In tincunt eget diam ac vulputate... 
<div class="best-featurs"><i class="fas fa-location-arrow"></i>
<h4>SPONSORSHIP</h4>Proin nec gravida purus. Curabitur effici elementum dolor dapibus, nec maximus augue iaculis. In tincunt eget diam ac vulputate... 
[/column_content][column_content type="one_half_last"]<iframe width="500" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/column_content]

In order to change Font Awesome icons in this section:

  1. Find class="fas fa-dollar-sign" and replace "fas fa-dollar-sign" with your icon name
  2. Use icon only from Font Awesome
  3. Icon name should be in lowercase letter

d. Lets Work Togather

To manage this section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 3

<h6>Give a little & change a lot.</h6>
<h3>Lets Work Togather!!</h3>
[border-button align="center" name="Donate Now!" link="#" target=""]

e. Latest News

To display latest news

Shortcode for Latest News:
[latest-news showposts="3" comment="show" date="show" author="show"]

f. Charity Donors

Shortcode for Charity Donors:
[our-team show="-1"]

g. What People Say

This section is used to display clients testimonials in your website

Shortcode for Testimonials:

h. Our Mission

To manage this section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 7

[column_content type="frdbox"]<i class="fas fa-graduation-cap"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Charity for education</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox"]<i class="fas fa-recycle"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Feed for hungry child</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox"]<i class="fas fa-tint"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Home for homeless</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox last"]<i class="far fa-lightbulb"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Clean water for people</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox"]<i class="fas fa-bolt"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Donation for foor family</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox"]<i class="fas fa-dollar-sign"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Donation for Animals</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox"]<i class="fas fa-home"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Donation for children</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

[column_content type="frdbox last"]<i class="fas fa-paw"></i>
<h4><a href="#">Donation for people</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam.</p>

In order to change Font Awesome icons in this section:

  1. Find class="fas fa-graduation-cap" and replace "fas fa-graduation-cap" with your icon name
  2. Use icon only from Font Awesome
  3. Icon name should be in lowercase letter

i. Petitions & Solutons

To change the images and text content

[pitition_lists][pitition subtitle="In Statelessness" title="Ending Statelessness" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Safety" title="Protection" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Health" title="Public Health" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Education" title="Educate a Child" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Statelessness" title="Ending Statelessness" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Safety" title="Protection" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Health" title="Public Health" image="" link="#"][pitition subtitle="In Education" title="Educate a Child" image="" link="#"][/pitition_lists]

j. Become a Volunteer

To manage this section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 9

<h3><span>Become a</span> Volunteer</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor graecis postulant. Quas saperet maiestatis ne mea, nec clita tamquam te gravida dolor graecis</p>[border-button align="center" name="Join with us" link="#" target=""]

k. Subscribe for Newsletter

To manage this section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 10

[promobox titlecolor="#ffffff" color="#ffffff" buttonbgcolor="#ffffff" buttoncolor="#333333" promotitle="Subscribe for Newsletter" button="Donate Now" url="#"]Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tortor id, adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta.[/promobox]

l. Our Projects

To change image and text content in this section

[project_lists][project title="No childrean will suffer for winter cloths" image="" link="#"][project title="We Working Dedicatedly to save the child" image="" link="#"][project class="last" title="Administration Detering People from clean water" image="" link="#"][/project_lists][border-button align="center" name="View All Projects" link="#" target=""]

8. Footer

The Footer section consists of four main elements:

To manage footer section go to the Appearance » Theme Options » Footer

9. Setting footer menu

  1. Go to Appearance >> Menu
  2. Click on Create a new menu link to create footer menu
  3. Give a name to your menu (Footer Menu) in Menu name and click save menu button
  4. Add pages by selecting with checkboxes.
  5. Select menu theme locations Footer Menu from Menu Settings
  6. Click Save Menu after adding required pages, categories in the menu

10. Photo Gallery

To display photo gallery in your website

Shortcode for Photo Gallery:
[photogallery filter="true" show="8"] 

11. Contact Form

To display contact form in your website

Shortcode for Contact Form:
[contactform to_email="" title="Contact Form"]

12. Page Templates & Sidebars

When you create a new page from the Pages » Add New section, the "Default Template" is assigned to the page by default. The default page template is a standard page template that can be with a sidebar or full-width layout and can contain custom content.

13. Widgets

The WordPress widgets are used to manage sidebars:

14. Shortcodes

To view all shortcodes go to Appearance » Theme Options » Short Codes:

15. Multilingual

This theme is ready for translation - it comes with a .po file that contains all the embedded into the theme strings.
It supports multiple languages. The qTranslate X WordPress plugin offers a way to maintain dynamic multilingual content on a WordPress site.

How to make your website translate ready?

To translate Homepage sections Title, Content, Button texts, Read more texts

16. Support

If you have any questions regarding our WordPress themes, you can contact us through our support forum or you can mail us at Our support team is always ready to help you with any problems of customization or compatibility you may encounter.

Charity Help Lite Theme Documentation

Thank you for using Charity Help Lite Free WordPress Theme. This documentation consists of several parts and shows you the entire process of setting up and customizing a free WordPress theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please refer to the Support section. Thanks so much!

1. Homepage Setup

After activating the Charity Help Lite theme, setup homepage using following

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Select static front page

1. Header Section

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Header Contact Info / Header social icons

2. Slider Section

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Slider Section

3. Services Section

Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Three Page Box Section